Increase Teachers of Color Act (ITCA)
OVERVIEW: The 2022 ITCA builds upon what did and didn't pass in 2021 and other previous year's ITCA. While most of the policy proposals from last year's bill are reintroduced, some new sections are added and some sections have been strengthened. Additional one-time appropriations totaling $27 million are requested from the state's large and historic $7.7 billion budget surplus to meet the many grant requests for efforts throughout the state.
Sign up your organization to endorse the 2022 ITCA

PURPOSE: What will be achieved
if ITCA 2022 is signed into law?
This package of bills will create comprehensive systemic change
needed to address opportunity and achievement gaps for students while strengthening existing programs and creating new efforts needed to attract, prepare, license and retain an increased percentage of teachers of color and American Indian teachers (TOCAIT) in MN.

Several KEY COMPONENTS included in ITCA
These important proposals, among many others, will:
Increase funding for popular "Grow Your Own" pathways to teaching for students, parents and non-licensed employees who are of color or American Indian.
Increase college scholarships and student teaching grants for BIPOC to become teachers.
Require school districts to address institutional racism within their school policies, structures and practices to close opportunity and achievement gaps.
Provide all students with access to ethnic studies curriculum that is anti-racist and culturally relevant.
Ensure that school learning and work environments affirm, embrace and integrate cultural and community strengths of students, families and staff.
Establish an official state goal to increase the percentage of TOCAIT annually (increase of 1% = 630 teachers).
​BROAD SUPPORT: Previous ITCA's since 2017 have all garnered bipartisan legislative authorship and endorsements from a wide range of more than 55 education and community organizations that don't agree on many other issues.

2022 is the year to finally pass the full ITCA, especially given the state's historic budget surplus and continued demands to address all forms of systemic racism in response to the police killing of George Floyd. The peaceful protests by tens of thousands of Minnesotans and millions of people around the country and world in summer 2020 called for racial justice in various sectors of society, including education.

Adding Diversity to State Teaching Ranks is a Critical State Goal
(Star Tribune Editorial Board Opinion, 3/7/21)
Ways You Can Make a Difference & Help ITCA Pass
JOIN the Coalition to stay updated (it's free & easy!)
RAISE AWARENESS using social media using #TeachersOfColorAct and with @IncreaseTOCAIT
MOBILIZE students and families to demand passage
CONVINCE your district/organization to endorse ITCA
CONTACT key legislators urging their support (it's easy!)
RECORD a brief video statement (it's easy!)
ATTEND virtual bill hearings
Resources from 2021 to Learn More
Download a 1-page "Support ITCA 2021" Overview with Calls to Action
See answers to FAQ's about the Increase Teachers of Color Act
Watch the Video of our Dec. 21 Zoom Forum about ITCA
Review the PowerPoint Slides with detailed excerpts from the bills
Watch 2021 Bill Hearings and Learn More about previous year's ITCAs